Membre associé (Sciences Po Grenoble - UGA)
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Bâtiment : Ext Cité Territoires
Bureau : 1331
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Thèmes de recherche
Géographie humaine et sociale ; la ville ; les pratiques sociales ; gouvernance ; action collective et démocratie locale dans les Suds.
Disciplines scientifiques
Géographie humaine
Curriculum vitae
Cheikh BA is a senior Lecturer in Human Geography/Planning at the Institute of Territorial Governance and Local Development, University of Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, Senegal. His research interests are situated at the intersection of environmental geography, political ecology, governmentality studies, and Science and Technology Studies. He has conducted extensive research on the governance of environmental crises and climate risks in relation to Senegal River basin inundations in Senegal, analysing the role of different forms of local and situated environmental knowledges in the emergence of endogenous resilience practices. He adopts a methodological approach that relies on careful empirical and historical analysis of socio-environmental ruptures, based on different sources of knowledge. He is particularly interested in how these ruptures are related to territorial governance and vice versa, and in reimagining and reformulating questions of sustainability and development through the lenses of long durée socio-ecological transformations and local knowledges. His most recent work engages with constitution, circulation and transformation of vernacular environmental knowledges in the context of ever present and ongoing migratory movements and cross-border networks in the Sahara, as a porous and connected region. Cheikh Ba also continues to work as a researcher at the Institute for Social and Economic Research (WiSER) at the University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa). He is a member of Sahel/Sahara/Mediterrean Cluster of Regions 2050 project, led by Achille Mbembe, where he focuses on the ecology of knowledges on Sahelian waterbodies. He is interested in local notions of environmental justice, decolonisation of environmental knowledge and in the ecological history of territorial governance in West Africa.
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