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CNRS Researcher (CNRS)

Justice sociale

Profile picture for user benhamem

Contact details

Building : IGA vigny-musset

Office : G410


14 ave Marie Reynoard, 38100 Grenoble

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For almost 20 years, my research has been situated in linguistic anthropology, at the intersection of Language Sciences and Natural Sciences. Trained as a biologist, I have approached the diversity of world languages from the theoretical and methodological standpoint of evolutionary ecology to provide, on one hand, relevant transdisciplinary tools for historical sociolinguistics to leverage the massification of language description data, and on the other hand, to study specific linguistic domains (at various geographic scales and historical depths), that have long been conceptualized using linear and Euro-centric evolutionary models. Beyond the evolution dynamics that question the nature/culture divide, languages and sociolinguistic systems undergo homogenization and extinction dynamics similar to those affecting natural species and ecosystems, calling for a simultaneous consideration of the preservation of natural and cultural modes of life.

On a more personal level, I have been training since 2011 in various contemplative and somatic practices (focused on the perception of the body, gesture, and movement), with specific interest in their clinical applications, especially concerning trauma, and in their extensions beyond healthcare institutions. In recent years, this life thread has become my main research focus, studying the politicized uses of somatics and the contemplative  (both as practices and epistemologies) by social (and environmental) justice movements in the United States, the United Kingdom, and continental Europe. Combining a practitioner, a facilitator, and a researcher standpoint I explore:

  • The critical reformulations of somatics and contemplative practices by these movements, focusing on historically and systemically marginalized corporealities.
  • The forms of citizenship and collective actions that emerge, particularly around concepts such as healing justice, deep democracy, and somatic abolitionism.
  • The imaginaries, utopias, and futurisms that develop within these movements, as well as the theorizations of somatic/contemplative practices as technologies for social change.

Finally, I also leverage somatic and contemplative approaches to explore alternative and participatory forms of knowledge production and sharing, especially through mediums such as sound, object theater, improvisation, and ephemeral writing.

CNRS Department
Linguistics/anguage Sciences (34)

Anthropology, Linguistics


  • Politicized uses of somatic and contemplative practices
  • Critical epistemologies
  • Corporealities and/in crisis
  • Minority experiences and sensibilities
  • Somatic activisms
  • Therapeutic citizenships
  • Cultural memory and affective cultures
  • Participatory research
  • Research/creation
  • Sensory writing

North America, UK, Europe

Scientific disciplines

Discipline(s) scientifique(s)

Anthropology, Linguistics and Language Sciences


Teaching at the master's and doctoral levels in Medical Anthropology, Multimodal Anthropology, and Linguistic Anthropology.


Informations complémentaires


Scientific Consultant for the first two artisanal thematic notebooks of the participatory projectre.conocer Lanzarote, funded by the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage of the Canarian Government and the Canarian Institute of Cultural Development. These thematic notebooks blend life stories, the island's history, poetry, and craftsmanship, and are hand-stitched. The unveiling of the first two notebooks, Raices Nomadas (Nomadic Roots) and Labrado a mano (Handcrafted), took place on May 11, 2023, at the Casa-Museo Monumento al Campesino, Lanzarote (Canary Islands), in their Spanish version intended for distribution in the Canarian territory and mainland Spain. The English version was issued at the end of 2023 to reach a broader audience, especially to raise awareness among tourists about the invisible/forgotten history of the island and the diversity of its cultural and artisanal heritage.


Grant Writing and Coordination of  the Mutual learning & Transmedia writing workpackage for the COESO ‑ Collaborative Engagement on Societal Issues ‑ European project - Package design and coordiantion of the initial phase of the porject.


Initiator and Coordinator of AtSon,  the Sound Writing Workshop  of the Fabrique, the Ethnographic Writing(s) Workshop. Training, project monitoring, production, and dissemination.


Member of the Organisation Committee  of the SEAS#1 Interprofessional Fair in Alternative Writings in the Social Sciences that took place on January 10th, 2020 at the MuCEM, in collaboration with the International Jean Rouch Ethnographic Film Festival.


Co‑organizer of the EHESS Seminar Series Observer, décrire, interpréter: Photographie, Cinéma, Son et Sciences Sociales (Observe, Describe, Interpret : Photography, Film, Sound and Social Sciences) , with Marco Barbon, Pierre‑Léonce Jordan, Boris Petric, Jeff Daniel Silva et Franco Zecchin.


With Katy Deville (director) et Virginie Gaillard (performer) - Conversation avec nos ancêtres (Conversation with our Ancestors) - Object Theatre Play (40 minutes, suitable for all audiences 8 yrs+), followed by stage edge interaction with the public around the theme of human evolution and our collective environmental and social responsibility, and focused on the art-science creation process. Produced by Le Théâtre de Cuisine. Official selection at the Festival de Marionnette Actuelle (MIMA #31, Mirepoix, August 2019) and at thePuppet and Object Arts Festival En Ribambelle #6 (Marseille, October 2019).

Submitted on March 4, 2024

Updated on October 16, 2024