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Every year, the lab welcomes new members for a PhD, a Post-doctoral year, an internship, as researchers or as administrative personnel. Join us!

The laboratory welcomes new researchers either as Associate Professors or Professors when the position is attached to Pacte pour la Recherche, or as CNRS Research Fellows or Research Directors.

In the case of teaching-research positions, the laboratory invites candidates to contact the director of the team to which the position is attached before the audition, to ensure that their profile matches the team's research themes.

The PACTE laboratory (UMR 5194 CNRS/Université Grenoble Alpes/SciencePo Grenoble) invites candidates for the CNRS competitions for sections 36, 39, 40 and CID 52 and 53, who would like to apply for support from our unit, to refer first to this leaflet presenting the expectations of the competition, then to the calendar and indications below (dates soon to be updated for the 2023 competition).

Provisional applications are due by December, 1st, 2024. They include :

  • The candidate's draft research program 
  • Minutes of thesis defense
  • CV

Candidates will receive feedback on their application with possible support from the Pacte laboratory depending on the quality of the application and the closeness of the candidate's research to the axes of the laboratory's teams.

The laboratory is organized into five teams, each with a CNRS recruitment coordinator:

Environments team : Olivier Labussière, (olivier[dot]labussiere[at]umrpacte[dot]fr)
Social Justice Team: Morgane Dujmovic, (morgane[dot]dujmovic[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
Governance team: Sebastian Roche, (sebastian[dot]roche[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
Regulations team: François Bonnet, (francois[dot]bonnet[at]umrpacte[dot]fr)
Cities and Territories Team: Adrien Baysse-Lainé, (adrien[dot]baysse-laine[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Would you like to apply? Please fill in the online form below as soon as possible, so that we can assign your application to a referee for review. You can submit your research project by December, 1st, 2024.


Candidates supported by the Pacte laboratory and declared "admitted to continue" (auditioned) will be able to contact the team close to their theme to organize auditions at the beginning of 2025.

As soon as possible

Candidates interested in the Pacte laboratory should contact the coordinator of the team they wish to join for an initial discussion of their motivations and project.
Early December Candidates send an advanced version of their application using the online form. This pre-project will be subject to a scientific opinion by a member of the laboratory.

Early December

CNRS publishes positions open to competition

December, 20

The Pacte laboratory informs each candidate of any points for improvement in his or her file. It sends a letter of support to candidates who have received support.

Early January


Candidates for sections 36, 39, 40, 52 and 53 are invited to take note of the evaluation criteria and recommendations issued by their respective sections.

Every year, the laboratory welcomes new young researchers under doctoral contracts. These may take the form of research grants from the French Ministry of Higher Education, doctoral grants financed by local authorities or other organizations, or CIFRE contracts. The laboratory does not accept unfunded doctoral students, except in exceptional cases.

Applications must be submitted on this platform.

Doctoral students in the Pacte laboratory benefit from workstations and a laboratory grant for the duration of their thesis, which is used to finance their fieldwork or international communications. They are integrated into the research teams and regularly take part in their activities (seminars, study days, etc.). They are also represented on the laboratory's governing bodies.

To find out more, follow the relevant links:

Current thesis offers at Pacte
List of researchers likely to supervise a thesis at Pacte
List of doctoral students in the laboratory
Université Grenoble Alpes Doctoral College website
Website of the SHPT doctoral school to which Pacte belongs
Charter for doctoral supervision at Pacte
Procedure for setting up a CIFRE thesis at Pacte

UMR Pacte, Laboratoire de sciences sociales, is regularly approached by people wishing to participate in its research activities.

As the laboratory's activities are open to the public, it is entirely possible to attend seminars and colloquia. To do so, please consult the events page of the laboratory's website.

For those more closely involved in the laboratory's scientific activities, an internal “associate member” status may be granted on application.

The laboratory's management team would like to emphasize that this is an approach that commits applicants to participating in the life of the laboratory and its scientific teams, as well as to publishing (scientific articles and books and/or research reports).

Application criteria and procedures

This internal Pacte status is open to :

  • doctoral students who defended their thesis at Pacte,
  • Pacte retirees who remain active in the organization, but who do not request emeritus status from their employer,
  • anyone who does not already have a contract with Pacte or another ESR laboratory,
  • any independent researcher or expert,

The application procedure changed in 2025. 

Applications for association must be submitted via the "Démarches simplifiées" portal. It is examined by the head of the team concerned and validated by the direction committee. Initial applications are reviewed as they are submitted. In addition to a detailed CV, the supporting documents required depend on the status of the application, which is indicated at the start of the form.

Rights and duties of an associate member

Status is granted in exchange for the following rights and obligations.

Associate membership entitles :

- a UGA e-mail address (with an AGALAN code) ;
- inclusion on the "Pacte.tous" mailing lists and those of the team to which you belong;
- access to digital resources (via databases);
- to publish with the lab's signature.

Associate membership requires to :

- Create a personal page on the Pacte website within 2 months, in the appropriate section;
- to publish with the laboratory's signature; 
- effective scientific collaboration with the laboratory;
- participate in team dynamics.

Associate membership does not entitle you to an office or financial support. It does not entitle you to submit a project as a “member of the laboratory”, nor to supervise a PhD student or trainee. It does not entitle the holder to reimbursement of mission expenses, other than in the case of invitations by permanent members of the laboratory.

Associate membership entitles the holder to use the laboratory's premises for scientific collaborations and events organized by the laboratory. Associate members are bound by the UMR's internal regulations.

Associate membership lasts for two academic years. It is renewable.

For all association requests, please contact the Pacte HR department by e-mail to obtain access to the application site, specifying “Association request” in the subject line: (pacte-rh[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

UMR PACTE is regularly approached by researchers who wish to participate in its activities by staying at one of the laboratory's sites. This short-term association is possible but is governed by an official procedure.

The applicants wishing to undertake a short scientific stay at the laboratory are invited to: 

1. Contact a researcher from the laboratory with whom they will need to develop a project to be transcribed in the form of a well-constructed proposal justifying the opportunity for the stay (minimum one-page research project). The project may be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from an external personality. It must be accompanied by a detailed CV. 

2. Specify the mode of financing envisaged for the stay

The reasoned project will be transmitted by the researcher extending the invitation to the head of their team within the laboratory, who will assess its opportunity and provide a brief opinion on the application in return. In the event of a favorable opinion, the team leader will forward the project to the directorate, accompanied by the CV and their opinion on the application, as well as a draft of an official invitation letter

The laboratory management will inform the candidates of its decision regarding possible acceptance within a maximum period of one month from the receipt of the request by the Direction comittee. 

In the event of a positive response, the candidate must promptly return the expected information and documents to the person responsible for the invitations

The administrative registration file will be established in connection with Mrs. Hélène BURGY: (helene[dot]burgy[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr) 

She will indicate to the candidate all the necessary documents, depending on their situation and country of origin. 

We draw your attention to the importance of planning ahead - a minimum of 2 months - especially if a visa application is required (allow 6 weeks after acceptance of the application). 

As part of this welcome, the laboratory undertakes to provide you with a workspace, necessary communication/internet services, documentation, and reprographic services. 

The office offered to you may be shared with other researchers welcomed at the laboratory. 

In accordance with this procedure, it is with great pleasure that the Pacte laboratory will welcome you during your stay with us.



Les dernières opportunités à Pacte

offre de stage


Stage de Master 1 ou 2

From September 24, 2024 to October 25, 2024

Participation au projet de recherche collective "Sociologie de Grenoble"

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Photo de NEOSiAM  2024+:


Offre de contrat post-doctoral

From July 12, 2024 to September 13, 2024

Ménager une “métropole montagne” en transition. Contribution à la conception/réalisation d’un atlas de l’eau de la biorégion urbaine grenobloise

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Photo de Thijs van der Weide:


Offre de thèse CIFRE

From July 12, 2024 to December 31, 2024

Les dispositifs d’évaluation dans les secteurs sanitaires, social et médico-social

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Photo de fauxels:


Offre de contrat post-doctoral

From June 3, 2024 to June 25, 2024

Analyse des controverses autour de la technologie de capture-réutilisation de CO2, des carburants et gaz de synthèse, dans le contexte de la politique de lutte contre le changement climatique. 

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offre de stage


Stage de Master 1 ou 2

From January 8, 2024 to January 31, 2024

Projet Start Up de Territoire de l’agglomération Valence-Romans : évaluation des effets du projet sur le « récit de territoire »

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offre de stage


Stage de Master 2

From January 8, 2024 to January 23, 2024

Gouvernance et économie des coopératives citoyennes d’énergie

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offre de stage


Stage de Master 2

From January 8, 2024 to January 23, 2024

Communautés énergétiques - Nouveaux acteurs intermédiaires de l’électricité renouvelable ?

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offre de stage


Stage de Master 1 ou 2

From December 8, 2023 to January 8, 2024

Enquête sociologique sur les objets générant des données connectées en médecine : le cas  d’une maladie chronique, le syndrome d’apnées du sommeil  

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Submitted on March 31, 2023

Updated on January 27, 2025