Researcher (CNRS)
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Villes et territoires
Contact details
Building : IGA vigny-musset
Office : T315
14 avenue Marie Reynoard, 38100 Grenoble
Website :
Research topics
My research focuses on the role of new regimes of attention for soils in the dynamics of land in rural areas, initially in France. It is rooted in the social geography of the environment and the geography of law. The aim is to provide food for thought on the transition of rural areas in a predominantly urban society, through the three prisms of spatial planning (agriculture, forestry, urban nature), the making of law and inequalities in the distribution of land. I am currently involved in the Decarb'AuRA project on the legal protection of natural carbon sinks, as well as in the Indiquasols collective scientific study on the provision of a set of soil quality indicators for public action.
For my doctorate, I focused on the management of access to farmand and relocalized food systems, crossing three fieldworks (Amiénois, Lyonnais, Sud-Aveyron). My dissertation ( focuses on the strategies deployed by local authorities, a so-called citizen movement (Terre de Liens) and professional organizations (Adear) to facilitate access to land for farmers involved in short food supply chains. In this context, I took part in the research projects JASMINN (on issues of land justice and land rights) and FRUGAL (on issues of urban food systems and urban livestock farming). Since then, I have also taken part in the ANBioT project on the place of soils in urban nature policies, and led the FoSoMo project on forestry controversies in the Morvan region.
Projects in detail :
- IndiQuaSols - Vers un référentiel d’indicateurs de qualités des sols pour l'évaluation et la mise en oeuvre opérationelle des politiques publiques) [2022-2024] Coordination : S. Leenhardt (INRAE), M. Desrousseaux (UPEC) and I. Cousin (INRAE).
- Decarb'AuRA - Décarboner par la protection juridique des puits d’absorption naturels de la région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes) [2022-2024] Coordination : S. Lavorel (UGA).
- ANBioT - Agriculture, nature and biodiversity in the transition of territorial socio-ecosystems (Agriculture, nature et biodiversité dans la transition des socio-écosystèmes territoriaux) [2020-2024] Coordination : L. Cormier (Univ. Angers) et S. Bognon (UPEC).
- FoSoMo - Forests to be spared? (Des forêts à ménager ? Gestions du foncier sylvicole et gouvernance territoriale des sols dans le Morvan) [2021-2022] Coordination : A. Baysse-Lainé (CNRS).
- JASMINN - Protecting peri-urban agricultural land in the Mediterranean: issues of justice and farmland innovations (Protection du foncier agricole périurbain en Méditerranée : enjeux de justice et innovations foncières) [2014-2019] Coordination : C. Perrin (INRA).
- FRUGAL - Urban forms and food governance (Formes urbaines et gouvernance alimentaire) [2015-2019] Coordination : C. Darrot (AgroCampusOuest) et B. Pecqueur (UGA).
Thematic areas covered by my main publications (see Publications tab for details and additional information):
- Land and soil quality (Projets de paysage 2022)
- Land justice (Justice spatiale|Spatial justice 2021 ; Agriculture & Human Values 2021 ; Cardères 2020)
- (Espaces et sociétés 2022 ; L'Espace géographique 2020 ; Land Use Policy 2018)
- Local public action and farmland for food (Rev. of Agric., Food and Environ. St. 2020 ; Géocarrefour 2018)
- Urban food systems: mapping and innovations (Géographie Economie Société 2021 ; Bull. de l'asso. de géog. fr. 2020 ; Nature Sciences Sociétés 2017)
Scientific disciplines
Field: critical rural geography
Approaches : legal geography, environmental geography
I'm also working at the interface with: environmental law, political socioloy, rural sociology
My teaching aims to familiarize Masters students with rural land issues and equip them for their future roles in territorial development, knowledge dissemination or study and research. I teach in several master's programs: general geography at ENS Lyon, rural development at Lyon 2, local authority engineering and land strategy at Lyon 3 and land management in transition at UGA.
I am also involved in doctoral training: examiner for the thesis defense of L. Gauthier (UT2J-LISST, 2023); member of the thesis committees of M. Girardin (UPEC-Lab'Urba), R. Delattre (Avignon Univ.-Espace) and Q. Ellès (Lyon 2-LER).
Curriculum vitae
Trained as a geographer (2008-2015: B/L, ENS Ulm, Univ. Paris 1 and Paris 7), I was a PhD student (2015-2018) at the Laboratoire d'études rurales (Univ. Lyon 2, France) and the UMR Innovation (INRA Montpellier, Fance), then Temporary lecturer (2018-2020) in physical geography (Cergy-Pontoise, France) and environmental studies (ENS Ulm, Paris, France), before joining the CNRS (section 39) as a researcher in 2020.
My main current collective responsibilities are: Treasurer of the French National Geography Committee (; Member of the editorial boards of L'Espace géographique and Géocarrefour; Scientific co-director of the International Geography Festival 2024; Member of the Pacte unit council (working conditions commission) and the Villes & Territoires team board (monitoring CNRS applications).
Additional information
Main scientific and science/society events co-organized
April 2022: Biodiversity/ZAN Day, Grenoble European Green Capital 2022 Scientific Council, with F. Pompanon.
July 2022: Session on farmand temporalities at the IGU Centenary Congress, Paris, with G. Schmitt.
October 2022: "Développement rural : nouvelles ruralités, nouveaux référentiels" conference, Lyon, with C. Delfosse and M. Poulot.
I have reviewed articles for the French-language journals Carnets de géographes, Norois, Bulletin de l'association de géographes français, EchoGéo, Géographie, économie et société, Annales de géographie, Economie rurale, Justice spatiale|Spatial justice and the English-language journals Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, Futures, as well as a book for the Presses universitaires de Rennes.
I have evaluated funding applications (projects and PhD grants) for the ANR, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the Paris City Government, the Agropolis foundation and the ENS Ulm.
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