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PhD Candidate (Université Grenoble Alpes)

Villes et territoires

Profile picture for user bellomau

Contact details

Building : IGA vigny-musset

Office : T-303

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Territorial Ecology and Agroecology

Scientific disciplines

Discipline(s) scientifique(s)

Land-use planning


Vacations en 2023 :

  • L3 Géographie parcours environnement et L3 Urbanisme : UE Enjeux de qualité environnementale
  • M1 Aménagement et Urbanisme IDATT : UE Initiation à la recherche 
Curriculum vitae

Dîplomée d'un Master 2 Géographie, aménagement, environnement, développement, parcours GEOSPHERES (IUGA, Grenoble)

Présentation générale

Phd candidate in land-use planning, I am a geographer by training. I have developed a great interest in mountain areas, as a professional concern and as personal recreation. I am interested in interrelations between humans and environments, and mostly I try to analyze territorial management dynamics. My thesis is about agroecology as one of the most important object of study in the context of a need for global ecological transition. My research mobilize the interdisciplinary field of territorial ecology and the concept of territorial metabolism. 


En savoir plus sur ma thèse

Supervision : Nicolas Buclet (Pacte) and Claire Lamine (INRAE)…

Submitted on October 4, 2023

Updated on October 6, 2023