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Maîtresse de conférences (Grenoble INP - UGA)


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Sociologie du travail et des organisations - Travail indépendant - Zones grises - Action collective - Organisations alternatives

Scientific disciplines

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Derniers articles:

Mondon-Navazo, M., & Murgia, A. (2024) From exception to pioneering: Insights on combining professional autonomy and social rights from the Syndicat National des Artistes Plasticien·nes, Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 42(1), 2024, 73-87. 

Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., & de Heusch, S. (2024) Re-articulating Autonomy and Solidarity. The Case of Smart: The Largest European Network of Freelance Cooperatives, Partecipazione e Conflitto, 17(1), 210-228.

Mondon-Navazo, M., Noûs, C. (2022). La zone grise du travail indépendant Économiquement dépendant en France et au Brésil: Des voies possibles d'émancipation?. Socio-économie du Travail, (12).

Mezihorak, P., Murgia, A., Borghi, P., & Mondon-Navazo, M. (2023) Representing Solo Self-Employed Workers: The Strengthening of Relations between Traditional and New Collective Actors in Industrial Relations. Work, Employment and Society, 37(4), 1013-1031.

Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., Borghi, P., & Mezihorak, P. (2022) In search for alternatives for individualised workers: a comparative study of freelance organisations. Organization, 29(4), 736–756.

Bigi, M., Clouet, H., Mondon-Navazo, M., Noûs, C. (2021) Des conditions d’enquête aux conditions d’emploi. Le travail de sociologue en temps de confinement. Mondes du Travail, 26, 83-98.

Borghi, P., Murgia, A., Mondon-Navazo, M., & Mezihorak, P. (2021) Mind the gap between discourses and practices: Platform workers’ representation in France and Italy. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 27(4), 425-443.

Cozza, M., Gherardi, S., Graziano, V., Johansson, J., Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., & Trogal, K. (2021) Covid-19 as a breakdown in the texture of social practices, Gender, Work & Organization, 28(1), 190-208.

Murgia, A., Bozzon, R., Digennaro, P., Mezihorak, P., Mondon-Navazo, M., & Borghi, P. (2020) Hybrid Areas of Work between Employment and Self-employment: Emerging Challenges and Future Research Directions, Frontiers in Sociology, Specialty Section: Work, Employment and Organizations, 4, 86. doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2019.00086.

Mondon-Navazo, M. (2017). Analyse d’une zone grise d’emploi en France et au Brésil: les Travailleurs Indépendants Economiquement Dépendants (TIED). Revue Interventions économiques. Papers in Political Economy, (58).

Mondon-Navazo, M. (2015). Mobilização de recursos e trajetórias de Trabalhadores Autônomos Economicamente Dependentes brasileiros. Política & Trabalho, (41).


Informations complémentaires

Membre du projet de recherche ERC SHARE - Seizing the Hybrid Areas of work by Representing self-Employment :

Submitted on December 8, 2023

Updated on June 3, 2024