Professor (teaching and research) (Université Grenoble Alpes)
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Justice sociale

Contact details
Building : Ext Cité Territoires
Office : 302 IUGA Urbanisme
Website :
Research topics
My work focuses on the anthropological analysis of space transformation processes at the urban and architectural scale. The objects of my research are situations of negotiation and collaboration between institutions and civil society that question the role of social critique in the project. I am also interested in the implications of ethnographic methods in both spatial design practice and urban research.
Ongoing research projects
- CITIZENBENCH : Des bancs pour les aînés ?
- PRO_SE_CO PROduction SEnsible des projets urbains COntemporains. De la conception à l’expérience : enjeux environnementaux et politiques du sensible
Past research projects
- GrinnUrb Grenoble face à l'innovation urbaine : enquête sur les appels à innover dans une métropole moyenne
- Exploration chronotopique d'un territoire parisien
- Mediterranean cities and climate change
- Regards croisés sur le Nord-est parisien
Scientific disciplines
urban planning
urban studies
urban anthropology
Bachelor in Geography and Planning
Minor in urban planning
Master in Urban Planning
Degree courses in Architecture Urban planning and Political Studies, Urban project
Curriculum vitae
Architect, urban planner, member of Pacte since 2015.
- MArch, Roma Tre University Faculty of Architecture, 2009.
- PhD in urbanism and urban planning, Ouest-Nanterre la Défense University (ED 395 MCSPP), LAA-LAVUE research lab, 2014.
- Associate researcher at Architecture Anthropology team of Architecture City Urbanism Environment research lab (LAA-LAVUE UMR 7218 CNRS).
- Member of the scientific network LIEU (Logiques Identités Espaces Urbanités).
Additional information
Since 2021 : Co-director of the double master Architecture Urbanisme Études Politiques, Université Grenoble Alpes - École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble - Institut d'Études Politiques de Grenoble.
2019-2021: Co-director of the first year of master in Urbanisme et Aménagement, Institut d'Urbanisme et de Géographie Alpine, Université Grenoble Alpes.
2016-2019: Co-director of the master International Cooperation in Urban Planning, Institut d'Urbanisme et de Géographie Alpine, Université Grenoble Alpes, Mundus Urbano Erasmus+ program.
Research dissemination
Zones d'Autonomie Conventionnée
Documentary on temporary occupations in the Chapelle district (Paris).
Directed by Federica Gatta, Maria Anita Palumbo and Ugo Vouaux-Massel, 2013.
URL 1/2 : https://vimeo.com/78056740 URL 2/2 : https://vimeo.com/78164452
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