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Sciences politiques

Curriculum vitae

Chloé Bérut is a MSCA fellow at Ca' Foscari University (2023-2025) and associate researcher at Pacte. She previsously worked as a postdocotral researcher for the Research Programm on risk and uncertainities assessment (PARI) at Sciences Po Paris (2022-2023), and also at the Printemps research center and the French Ministry for Health (2021). She obtained a PhD in political science from Sciences Po Grenoble in 2020, which was awarded with two PhD prizes (the Grenoble Alpes University prize and the French EU studies association PhD prize). Her main theme of research is health policies in the European Union, with a focus on digital health policies. She conducted research on the influence of the EU on member states' digital health policies, and she has also worked on the issue of the access to health databases. Her work has been published in international and French scienfitic journals such as West European Politics, Governance, or Gouvernement et Action Publique.


Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture

1. Bérut, Chloé (2023 – à paraître). ‘Strategic Europeanisation: a ‘context-driven’ approach of the use of European instruments in digital health policies’, Politique européenne, 1-23

2. Bérut, Chloé, and Sabine Saurugger (2023). ‘Digital technologies as a response to healthcare system crises: agenda-setting of digital health policies in France’, French Politics, 21:3, 227–248.

3. Bérut, Chloé (2022). ‘The chemical framework: Exploring Europeanisation in French, Austrian, and Irish eHealth policy processes’, Governance, Early view.

4. Bérut, Chloé (2021). ‘The European Union as an opportunity: structures and uses of European soft law in French, Austrian and Irish eHealth policies’, West European Politics, 44:1, 155–175.

5. Bérut, Chloé, and Sabine Saurugger (2018). ‘La soft law européenne dans la mise sur agenda nationale : l’usage des instruments européens dans la construction des politiques d’e–santé en France et au Royaume–Uni’, Gouvernement et action publique, 17:3, 9–34

Chapitres d’ouvrages collectifs

1. Bérut, Chloé (2022). ‘La santé chez les français’, in Antoine Bristielle (ed.), Que veulent les Français ? L’opinion publique dans tous ses états. Paris: Editions de l’Aube, 181–191.

2. Bérut, Chloé, and Eva Deront (2019). ‘L’Union européenne écoute–t–elle trop les lobbies ? Le cas des politiques environnementales’, in Simon Persico et Sabine Saurugger (eds.), Sauver l’Europe ?, Paris : Dalloz, 2019, 175–183


1. Bérut, Chloé (2020). Ouvrage recensé : Mangenot, Michel (2020). Qui gouverne l’Union européenne. Chroniques 2014–2020. La Documentation Française, dans :  Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, 4(27).

2. Bérut, Chloé (2018). ‘Les lobbies européens à la loupe’ une recension de Marc Milet (2017), Théorie critique du lobbying. L’Union européenne de l’artisanat et des PME et la revendication des petites et moyennes entreprises, Paris : L’Harmattan, dans :  La vie des idées

Submitted on October 17, 2023

Updated on November 7, 2023