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Crime and security (CMINT online)

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Francois Bonnet (PhD, Sociology, Sciences Po Paris, 2006) is a CNRS research director at the Pacte research center (Grenoble). He has worked on employee theft, private security in mass private properties, the welfare/social control nexus, machine politics, racism and discrimination. His work has been published in Ethnic and Racial Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, City & Community, Urban Studies, European Journal of Policing Studies, and a number of French journals. He has taught at Sciences Po (Paris), Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.), the University of Amsterdam and Sciences Po Grenoble. He is the author of The Upper Limit. How Low-Wage Work Defines Punishment and Welfare (University of California Press, 2019) and since 2020 the Editor of the European Journal of Sociology.

Publié le 3 octobre 2023

Mis à jour le 9 juillet 2024