Post-Doctorante (Université Grenoble Alpes)
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Justice sociale

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Curriculum vitae
Current Position
Since September 2023 post-doc at PACTE 'Laboratoire de sciences sociales' at the University of Grenoble-Alpes as part of the research project 'ANR CARE'
Since November 2019 member of Ce.P.Ci.T. Centro Studi sui Problemi della Città e del Territorio of the Department of Sociology and Economic Law, University of Bologna
June 2023: PhD in Sociology and Social Research, University of Bologna. Dissertation title: “Oltre il ghetto. Dinamiche residenziali e traiettorie migranti a Bologna”. Supervisor: Maurizio Bergamaschi
October 2019: Master of Sociology and Social work (curriculum Sociology and Social Research) at University of Bologna (Italy). Final grade: 110/110 cum laude. Dissertation title: “Abitare le periferie. Segregazione residenziale etnica a Bologna”. Supervisor: Maurizio Bergamaschi
July 2017: Bachelor’s Degree in International, Social and Political Sciences at University of Bologna. Final grade: 110/110 cum laude. Dissertation title: “Richiedenti asilo e spazio urbano. Modelli di accoglienza sul territorio: il caso di Imola”. Supervisor: Maurizio Bergamaschi
Research period abroad
From October 2021 to March 2022: Visiting PhD student at the Department of Geography, Harokopio University, Athens (supervisor: Prof. Thomas Maloutas)
Summer school and specialization activities
- Summer School Interrogating Euro-mediterranean Migration (Procida, 7 June -11 June 2022) organized by Centro di elaborazione culturale Mobilità, Migrazioni Internazionali (MoMI), Department of Human and Social Sciences, University of Naples L’Orientale
- X Summer School of Higher Education in Sociology of the Territory - Le periferie del centro, vecchie e nuove forme di disagio sociale. Il caso di Catania (Catania, 9 September – 16 September 2021) organized by the Italian Association of Sociology – Territory Section
- Summer School on Method and Social Research (Borgo Tortorella, 2 September – 6 September 2019), organized by the Paiedeia Association in collaboration with the Department of Political Sciences and Communication of the University of Salerno and recognized by the Italian Association of Sociology (AIS). Certificate of participation in the course “Designing an investigation: research design from the desk to the field” provided by Gabriella Punziano (Assistant Professor at the University of Naples ‘Federico II’)
- Summer School of Sociology of Migrations (Genoa, 1 July – 5 July 2019), organized by the Medì Study Center, Migrations in the Mediterranean in collaboration with DISFOR, Department of Education of the University of Genoa and Department of Social Sciences and Policies of the University of Milan, with the patronage of the Italian Sociology Association
- Course on QGIS software (Milan, 20 November – 22 November 2019) given by the Urbeur PhD program in Urban Studies at the University of Milan-Bicocca
- Module Forms of Life, Production and Reproduction at the time of the Great Blindness (April 2020) given by Prof. Vando Borghi for the course “Complexity, Ethics and Ecology of the City” (92488) of the Collegio Superiore – University of Bologna
Maurizio Bergamaschi, Maria Grazia Montesano, Leggere le diseguaglianze: quale relazione tra polarizzazione sociale e segregazione spaziale?, «Città in Controluce», forthcoming [Scientific article]
Maria Grazia Montesano, Veronica Castellani, Emma Nicolis, Essenziali ma invisibili: migrazioni femminili e lavoro domestico nella città post-pandemica. Il caso della provincia di Bologna, in Castrignanò M., Rimondi T. (eds.): Bologna dopo la pandemia. Impatto territoriale e scenari futuri, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2023, pp. 151 - 164 [Chapter or essay]
Maria Grazia Montesano, (Im)migrati a Bologna: segregazione residenziale e processi territoriali emergenti, in Bergamaschi M., Lomonaco A. (eds.): Esplorare il territorio. Linee di ricerca socio-spaziali, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2022, pp. 25 - 41 [Chapter or essay]
Maria Grazia Montesano, Luca Daconto, Local models and processes of ethnic residential segregation, in Bergamaschi M. (ed.): The multidimensional housing deprivation. Local dynamics of inequality, policies and challenges for the future, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2022, pp. 13 - 14 [Chapter or essay]
Daconto Luca, Maria Grazia Montesano, The residential dynamics of foreign populations at the metropolitan scale. The cases of Bologna and Milan (2001-2011), in Bergamaschi M. (ed.): The multidimensional housing deprivation. Local dynamics of inequality, policies and challenges for the future, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2022, pp. 50 - 61 [Chapter or essay]
Maurizio Bergamaschi, Luca Daconto, Maria Grazia Montesano, Diffusione periferica e concentrazioni. La dinamica insediativa dei residenti stranieri a Bologna e Milano, «MONDI MIGRANTI», 2021, 2, pp. 151 - 168 [Scientific article]
Maria Grazia Montesano, Review of: Paradoxes of Segregation: Housing Systems, Welfare Regimes and Ethnic Residential Change in Southern European Cities. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2019., «SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE», 2021, 126, pp. 185 - 186 [Review]
Maurizio Bergamaschi, Maria Grazia Montesano, Presenza straniera in città e spazi insediativi, in Bergamaschi M., Castrignanò M., Pieretti G. (eds.): Bologna. Policentrismo urbano e processi sociali emergenti, Soveria Mannelli (CZ), Rubbettino, 2020, pp. 35 - 50 (SOCIOLOGIA DELLE CITTÀ ITALIANE) [Chapter or essay]
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