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Doctorante (Université Grenoble Alpes)

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Développement durable, capacités et développement humain, changement climatique, pressions environnementales, interface société-environnement


PACTE, Institut d’Urbanisme et de Géographie Alpine, University of Grenoble, France (Oct. 2021 - ongoing), Doctoral student, Thesis - “Vulnerability -Resilience in the French Alps: Analysing the "Opportunity to Work" Capability in the Face of Climate Change”

Institut d’Urbanisme et de Géographie Alpine (IUGA), University of Grenoble, France (Sept. 2019 - Sept. 2020), Master of Geography 2, International Development Studies (IDS) - Sustainability, Participation, Innovation

Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (Jan. 2002 - May 2005), MSc in Resource Management and Environmental Studies (RMES)

University of East Anglia, UK / Roskilde University, Denmark (Sept. 1994 - June 1998), First Class Honours BSc in Environmental Science

Curriculum vitae

Human Development and Capabilities Association (2023-ongoing), European Regional Network Coordinator

PACTE, Institut d’Urbanisme et de Géographie Alpine (IUGA), University of Grenoble, France (2020), Research Intern, Trajectories Project

International Centre for Creativity, Innovation and Sustainability, Denmark/UK (2011-2016), Information Officer

University of British Columbia, Canada (2002–2003) Researcher, Interdisciplinary Project on Water Management and Climate Change

Environmental Consultant, Denmark (1998-2001) - Editor (City of Copenhagen), Information Officer/Editor (European Environment Agency), Research Assistant (WWF), Environmental Journalist (Copenhagen Post)


Shepherd & Dissart, 2023, Vulnerability-Resilience in the French Alps: Analysing the "Opportunity to Work" Capability in the Face of Climate Change in La Maurienne, HDCA Conference, September 2023, Sofia, Bulgaria

Shepherd, P.M., Dissart, J.-C., 2022. Reframing vulnerability and resilience to climate change through the lens of capability generation. Ecological Economics 201, 107556.

Shepherd, P., J. Tansey & H. Dowlatabadi (2006) Context matters: what shapes adaptation to water stress in the Okanagan? Climatic Change 78: 31–36.

Cohen, S., D. Neilsen et al. (2006) Learning with Local Help: Expanding the Dialogue on Climate Change and Water Management in the Okanagan Region. Climatic Change 75: 331–335.

Informations complémentaires

PhD thesis title: Vulnerability-resilience in the French Alps: Analysing the "Opportunity to Work" Capability in the Face of Climate Change. 

"This research aims to analyse the sufficiency-deficiency of people's work opportunities through the lens of the capability approach, in order to identify vulnerable and/or resilient groups in the context of climate change in the French Alpine Massif. It aims to identify intersections between people's generic and climate-change specific vulnerability-resilience in terms of the availability and accessibility of decent work. It includes a retrospective and cross-sectional quantitative analysis of generic decent work opportunity and potential sensitivity of jobs to climate change across the Alpine Massif. Furthermore, the research will encompass a prospective survey-based analysis of people's capabilities and agency as a measure of their individual adaptive potential. Time permitting, the research will include an analysis of how private and public institutions are addressing climate change pressures on employment opportunity/security, i.e. institutional adaptation efforts, in the context of sustainable development."

Publié le 8 décembre 2023

Mis à jour le 19 juin 2024